
SCALER Reports

Lessons learnt and best practices for enhancing industrial symbiosis in the process industry

This report provides an evidence base of best practices in industrial symbiosis. Bringing together multiple research methods to build a rich picture and triangulate findings, the study casts light on the various approaches that companies choose to adopt.

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The role of intermediaries and key enabling technologies for ideation and implementation of industrial symbiosis

This report provides an insight into the role of intermediaries in the process of initiation and implementation of industrial symbiosis. The study identifies a set of enabling technologies which could be used for, and enable industrial symbiosis – and looks into the application and benefits of these technologies.

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How to create incentives for industrial symbiosis while preventing and mitigating implementation risks

This report looks at incentives that can promote the implementation of industrial symbiosis on a large scale, understand the risks that could be associated with their implementation and how to mitigate them.The study takes into account financial, social, technological, information-related and policy-related levers, among others.

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Pathways to increase industrial symbiosis including tools & methods
for stakeholders

This report provides provides an insight into state-of-the-art tools and methods that could facilitate the implementation and enable stakeholder pathways towards self-organised industrial symbiosis. The study also identifies a set of tools and methods, which could be used by industry practitioners in their self-organised industrial symbiosis endeavours.

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Technology database for synergy setups

This report provides identifies and characterises various procedures and technologies associated to the valorisation of the 100 promising synergies at European level. The technology database developed includes a description and technical characterisation, implemented solutions at industrial scale and emerging technologies.

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Synergies environmental impact assessment

This report presents screening life cycle assessment results of the 100 most promising synergy types for assessing the potential of industrial symbiosis in Europe. The shortlist is considered representative of the diversity of synergies that may be encountered within a European context.

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Synergies socio-economic impact assessment

This report presents screening socio-economic assessment results of the 100 most promising synergy types for assessing the potential of industrial symbiosis in Europe. The shortlist is considered representative of the diversity of synergies that may be encountered within a European context.

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Quantified potential of industrial symbiosis in Europe

This study aims to assess the potential of industrial symbiosis for major heavy industries in Europe and support evidence-based policy-making, based on the in-depth assessment of a representative set of 100 synergies.

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Overall strategy and recommendations to foster a wide application of industrial symbiosis at local, regional and European level

This report provides a coherent, comprehensive and consistent description of plausible futures scenarios with respect to Industrial Symbiosis based on the SCALER research to date. It derives recommendations for different stakeholders to help realise the benefits from the application of industrial symbiosis at scale.

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Report on EU-wide industrial symbiosis regulatory measures, regulatory gaps and need for deployment

This report provides an overview and analysis of EU policies related to the uptake of
industrial symbiosis and resource efficiency in the industrial process sector, providing
recommendations to European policy makers on required future focus and action.

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Report on industrial symbiosis standardisation needs

This report provides an overview and analysis of EU standards related to the uptake of
industrial symbiosis and resource efficiency in the industrial process sector, providing
recommendations to European regulatory and standardisation bodies on required future
focus and action

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Business case framework

This report provides a framework to assess the viability of synergies and list/collect all values generated by a synergy creation. It is designed to provide a modular tool to industrial managers who want to initiate and get involved in a synergy creation process.

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